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Ecological restoration and resilience of the Atlantic Forest

We investigate the role of natural and antropic disturbances and restoration actions on the ecological succession and resilience of the rainforest. The studies are mainly focused on permanent plots installed since 2005 on the coast of Paraná. We are also interested in other conceptual and theoretical approaches, as well as other regions of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.


University of Leuphana (Germany): Vicky Temperton
UFSC: Michele Dechoum, Emanuela Weidlich
UFRGS: Sandra Mueller, Gerhard Overbeck
UFPR: Marcos Carlucci, Renato Marques, Isabela Varassin
Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental (SPVS)

Fundação Grupo O Boticário

Sociedade Chauá

Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (Projeto SPIN)

Funders: CNPq, FGB, Funbio, CAPES / Print

Patterns of plant diversity in the Atlantic Forest: local to wide scale

Our interest is to understand the factors that affect the distribution of plant diversity on a temporal and spatial scale.

At the local scale, our studies are concentrated in permanent plots (since 2012) installed according to the RAPELD protocol, in the Guaricica Nature Reserve, Antonina-PR, Brazil.

On the national scale, we use in particular, two databases (UFPR_Atlantic Forest_tree and UFPR_Atlantic Forest_trait) to explore phytogeographic and macroecological aspects, in addition to modeling to understand the effects of anthropic factors on the conservation of the Atlantic Forest.


Laboratório de Biodiversidade (UFPR-Palotina): Victor Zwiener

Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade (PPBio Mata Atlântica

Funders: MCTIC, CNPq

Ecosystem services of the Atlantic Forest

We investigate what and how the ecosystem services are distributed within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We also focus on the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functions/ecosystem services at different spatial scales. Our main focus has been to investigate the role of natural and regenerating forests in providing atmospheric carbon sequestration services.

Funders: FGB, CNPq

Think & Conserve

This line of research, still recent, aims to provide theoretical and conceptual studies focused on broad themes, with application in decision making. For this, ecological, philosophical and political context are used.

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