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Marcia C. M. Marques
Full Professor 
My research is mainly focused on understanding the diversity and regeneration of the Atlantic Forest when facing human disturbances. I have a lovely daughter and a lot of interest in science, nature, philosophy, environmental policy, art, and dogs.
Marina Corrêa Scalon
Post-doctoral student
My main research interest is to understand how species adapt to changes in the environment from a functional and ecophysiological perspective. I am particularly interested in studying the mechanisms by which plants display different ecological strategies to respond to environmental changes, especially in the Neotropics. I am currently a Postdoctoral fellow at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, and a collaborator at University of Oxford and Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso. I am also a mother of a 2-year old girl, who is discovering a whole new world through her eyes.
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Geraldo Ceni Coelho
Post-doctoral student

Graduated in Biological Sciences (UFRGS, 1989), Master in Botany (UFRGS, 1995) and PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (UFRGS, 2002). He is currently an Associated Professor at UFFS - Federal University of Fronteira Sul campus Chapecó, since 2010.

In research and extension, he has experience with Forest Ecology, Ecological Restoration, Agroforestry Systems, Biology of Tree Species, and Agroecology. Operates in the teaching of Botany and Ecology. He is the Advisor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology (UFFS campus Erechim) and Editor of the Brazilian Magazine of University Extension.

In his current work (“Phytogeographic analysis of characters and biotic interactions of the southern Atlantic Forest”), he develops a study on the geographic distribution of morphological characters of tree species in the Atlantic Forest, including characters related to biotic interactions.

Amabily Bohn
PhD student
Graduated in Biological Sciences (Bachelor and Licentiate) at the Federal University of Paraná, Master in Botany at the same institution and PhD student in Ecology and Conservation at UFPR.
During the PhD, I will use a multidimensional approach and ecological niche modeling tools to understand the processes involved in the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity patterns of ferns and lycophytes within Atlantic Forest. My advisors are Dr. Marcia Marques and Dr. Paulo Labiak. In addition, I am interested in biogeography, systematics and evolution. I love animals, plants, books, and illustrations.
Rubia Tatiana Secco
PhD student

In my doctoral project, we work with ecological restoration, seeking to find the best functional groups to accelerate the forest restoration process of areas previously converted to pasture. As there will be two moments of planting tree species during the experiment, the main idea of ​​the project is to seek to understand the relationship of the effects of priority, order of arrival of different species and functional groups in the area, with the regeneration of local species from the pasture itself or other shrub and tree species from natural regeneration.

I am a biologist, master in Forest Engineering and now a PhD student at PPGECO. I worked for a few years on environmental consulting, where I established a passion for restoring degraded areas. In addition, I am passionate about forests, cats, dance, records, astronomy, anthropology and of course books. So, I'm always reading or listening to something.

Luana Meister

Sou bióloga formada pela Universidade Federal do Paraná e tenho estudado as relações entre o uso da biodiversidade e dos recursos naturais explorando aspectos sociais e econômicos. Ingressei no Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal visando compreender a dinâmica das políticas públicas ambientais do Paraná com o objetivo de evidenciar as iniciativas da agenda ambiental do estado. Minha pesquisa de mestrado se insere na temática de serviços ecossistêmicos e na identificação de sinergias e trade-offs entre serviços de provisão, suporte, regulação e cultural no Paraná. Observar a natureza é uma das coisas que mais gosto de fazer, aos poucos busco aprimorar essa visão através da ciência, mas também de viagens, filmes, conversas e outras vivências.

Camila Naomi Lermen

Sou formada em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina, bacharelado e licenciatura. Durante a graduação trabalhei com efluxo de CO2 do solo em fragmentos de mata e sítios de restauração na Mata Atlântica. O foco do meu mestrado é em ecologia de paisagens, mais especificamente o mapeamento da qualidade de habitat dos últimos 30 anos no Estado do Paraná. Meu trabalho é uma intersecção entre serviços ecossistêmicos, mudanças no uso do solo e políticas públicas. Sou apaixonada pela Mata Atlântica, adoro viajar, fazer trilhas e estar acompanhada de pessoas queridas. O mestrado tem me proporcionando tudo isso.

Letícia G. Tartari

Graduada em Ciências Biológicas (Universidade Estadual de Londrina) e atualmente é mestranda pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação (PPGECO) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Em seu projeto de mestrado irá estudar a vulnerabilidade hídrica no estrato regenerante de uma área restaurada de Mata Atlântica. Tem interesse na área de restauração de áreas degradadas, ecofisiologia vegetal, mitigação de mudanças climáticas e dinâmica de carbono. Além disso, gosta de Araucárias, literatura brasileira, tomar chimarrão e observar e vivenciar sob diferentes óticas o Brasil e seus biomas.


Adriana de Almeida (Undergrad., 2008)
Anamaria Cequinel (MSc,  2015-2017)

André T. Cavassani (MSc, 2005 – 2007)
Angela Pellin (Undergraduate, 2002)
Angelica Miranda Ribas Vianna (Undergraduate, 2010)
Betina Ortiz (MSc, 2004 – 2006)
Carolina Machado da Rosa (MSc, 2016 – 2018)
Carolina Yumi Shimamoto (Ph.D, 2012-2016)
Cecília Simões (Undergraduate, 2003)
Cibele Munhoz (MSc, 2006 – 2008)
Daniele Aparecida de Moraes (MSc & PhD, 2012-2018)
Deise M. Barboza (Undergraduate, 2003)
Dieter Liebsch (MSc, 2004 – 2006)
Eduardo Arrivabene Alves da Silva (Undergraduate, 2010)
Elivane Salete Capellesso (PhD, 2016-2019) 
Érico Emed Kauano (MSc, 2009 – 2011)
Fernanda Cardoso (MSc & PhD, 2009 – 2015)
Fernanda Fernandes Cordeiro de Lima (MSc, 2010 – 2012)
Fernando M. Ramos (Undergraduate, 2003)
Flávia B. V. da Silva (Undergraduate, 2004)
Flora H. M. Leitão (Undergraduate, 2004 – 2005)

Gabriel Inague (MSc, 2018-2020)
Joema Carvalho (MSc, 2001- 2003)
José Augusto Castilho (Undergraduate, 2008)
Jose Vicente Silva (Undergraduate, 2005)
Julio Ricardo Bastos (PhD, 2016-2019) 
Kwok Chiu Cheung (MSc, 2004 – 2006)
Larissa Melinger (Undergraduate, 1999 – 2001)
Luciana de Campos Franci (Post-doc, 2016-18)
Marilia Ceccon (Undergraduate, 2006)
Natacha Sobanski (MSc, 2010 – 2012)
Renan Macari Falleiros (Undergraduate, 2009)
Ricardo Augusto Camargo de Oliveira (Undergraduate e MSc, 2011– 2016)
Tamires Marcela Burda (Undergraduate & MSc, 2017-2019)
Vanessa Vlnieska (MSc, 2017-2019) 
Victor Zweiner (Msc & PhD, 2009 – 2015) 

Vinicius Marcílio-Silva (Msc & PhD, 2011-2017) 

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